Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Save Jones Hall!!!

Hey all. As I was wandering the internet looking for anything to avoid doing actual work, I ran across a story from my very own alma mater. The article from our intrepid Eastern Echo discussed the boring hike of room and board fees for Eastern Michigan University, the Harvard of umm....well eastern Michigan. I didn't really care since I no longer go there and it has no effect on me at all. But down the page I did see something that very much concerned me.
It seems that the University, in its infinite wisdom, has approved the "indefinite shutdown" of Jones very own dorm where I spent three years of my life drinking and studying and drinking and making friends and drinking...did I mention drinking? They closed my home away from home of three years!!! I am outraged! I had no idea that this happened...this was even an old story, so Jones may have been closed for awhile now. Here's what the article said...
The Board also approved the indefinite shutdown of Jones Hall, which will be
offline until further notice, Vick said.
"That is our least popular residence hall with community bathrooms and probably
most in need of repairs," Vick said.
Whether Jones Hall will ever come back into use remains unclear. Regent Jan
Brandon said she didn't have a good experience with Jones Hall when she lived
there as a student.
"I'd like to be the first to make a donation to the Jones Hall demolition fund,"
she said, prompting laughter from the crowd.

What the hell?! Eastern is shutting down the place where I spent the best years of my life and some old white bitch decides to make light of it!
Now I'll admit that it was a very old building (so of course lets demolish one of the few buildings on campus that isn't shiny, new and ugly...heathens) and there were rumors of Jones impending demise before I even got there seven years ago. But it really wasn't in that bad of shape....even after my friends and I got through with it (though it may still reek of rotting eggs and suffer from irreparable duct tape damage). And I actually learned to appreciate the community bathroom experience (did that sound kinda gay to anyone else?)
They cannot be allowed to do this!! Eastern must face the wrath of alumni with a fond place in their hearts for venerable Jones Hall. My friends, especially those of us with degrees from Eastern, we should immediately start a letter writing campaign or make phone calls or appeal the decision to every uppity university anything we can do in order to save our beloved Jones Hall!!!!

.....or....we should just go there and make sure we steal a bunch of shit before they tear the dump down. That Jones Hall sign at the front of the building would sure look good nailed to Chach's wall for poker nights. later!


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