Saturday, February 26, 2005

still virtually waiting

*****Cubs Rant Alert, Cubs Rant Alert*****

Welcome to the Chicago Cubs Virtual Waiting Room!
2005 single game tickets on sale now.
Customers are being randomly selected to buy tickets.

And with those few sentences the hopes and fears of a simple Chicago Cubs baseball fan rose and fell like the waves on a cold, windy Lake Michigan. Hey all. Most of my day today was spent in my dad's "den" in front of 2 computers. You see, today was the first day that single game tickets went on sale for my beloved Cubs. I know what you're thinking...pathetic. Look at the baseball junky, so desperate to get his fix that he sits in front of computers all day in faint hopes of getting tickets to the best games at Wrigley this summer. And I would resent that...if it wasn't so utterly and completely true.
I fact its so bad I actually requested the day off....just in order to sit in front of those computers...and wait, and wait, and wait. I got lucky last year and got tickets to the Cardinals/Cubs game both in Chicago and St. Louis last summer and I was feeling pretty good about my chances.
I got up early this morning to get everything ready and to make myself ready so I wouldn't have to wander away from my obsession for very long during the day. At 10:30 I got the 2 computers downstairs into the Cubs virtual waiting room and dug in for a long day. As I waited I saw the list of sold out games continue to grow...including all 3 games with the Red Sox at Wrigley (which I really wanted to go to...but so did all of Chicago apparently.)So I put all my energy into getting as many Cards/Cubs games as I could manage before they were gone.
Well I know you are all dying to know what happened in my great baseball quest. Four hours of Star Trek on SpikeTV and thirty minutes of research later (yeah yeah)my eyes caught a magic flash on my Dad's computer. THE SCREEN HAD CHANGED TO A CALENDER!!! I WAS IN!!! I could barely contain my excitement. My fingers may have been shaking slightly as I forced myself through all the steps to get my game. And each step only gives you a minute or two to complete or back you go into virtual hell! So the tension was palpable. Three tickets...upper deck infield...Friday August 12...Cardinals vs. Cubs....$69...SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may actually have jumped up in victorious joy, but not sure. What a great feeling. I even managed to get three hours of research done waiting to get back in for more games before I went to Jen's for dinner and West Wing.
The day was not a complete success however. I completely struck out on tickets for the Red Sox series. I also haven't been able to get any more tickets to Cards games....and yes I am even as I write this once again stuck in virtual Cubs hell...waiting, and waiting, and waiting...wish me luck. later!


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