Monday, July 10, 2006

The Man of Steel vs. the Caped Crusader the risk of sounding like a comic book geek (which I am really not), I just saw the new Superman movie tonight and it was pretty friggin sweet. but it did lead to a mini-disagreement with JK over the coolness of the Man of Steel...she is more of a Batman kinda girl, while I think Superman could totally take I will make the following list of strengths and weaknesses of Superman and Batman and let you decide....(but I'll say who I think gets the advantage)

guys: who is cooler? who would you rather be?
girls: who is cooler? who would you rather do?

Superman: flying, x-ray vision, heat vision, incredible strength, impervious to everythiing but Kryptonite
Batman: none (Bat suit does seem to be somewhat bulletproof)
Advantage: Superman

Superman: kinda geeky, clumsy, shy reporter Clark Kent
Batman: billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne
Advantage: Batman (Wayne no doubt gets laid more than Kent

Superman: blue suit, red shorts and cape (JK complaint that he wears his underwear on the outside)
Batman: black Bat suit, black cape and pointed mask
Advantage: Batman (unless it was the George Clooney movie where the Bat suit had nipples...nipples!)

Love interests:
Superman: hot, feisty, though always in trouble Lois Lane (well Margot Kidder = not hot but there was Teri Hatcher)
Batman: kinda hot, though completely crazy Catwoman (and Halle Berry doesn't count)
Advantage: Superman (much better love story than anything Batman Katie Holmes as his love interest in the last movie hurts Batman badly here)

Superman: Metropolis (a cool 1930s NYC lookalike), a Kansas farm, the Fortress of Solitude
Batman: Gotham City (a scary, run-down NYC lookalike), Wayne Manor, the Bat Cave
Advantage: Superman...I mean come on, what sounds cooler, Fortress of Solitude or Bat Cave?

Superman: none (unless you count that Supergirl chick and I'm sure most don't)
Batman: kinda gay Robin
Advantage: Superman (superhero sidekicks are lame)

Stands for:
Superman: Truth, Justice, and the American Way (yes, yes JK..he's not an American)
Batman: vigilante justice
Advantage: Superman...a bit more of a role model

Superman: Lex Luthor
Batman: the Joker
Advantage: even...both are kinda lame (one is a clown and the other is just a rich guy with a rock)

Superman: none
Batman: everything that makes him cool and effective
Advantage: Batman (though Superman doesn't really need toys to fight crime

Superman: the Man of Steel
Batman: the Caped Crusader, the Dark Knight
Advantage: Even...but only b/c of the Dark Knight one (Caped Crusader is gay)

Role model factor:
Superman: the all-American (I know, I know, he's an alien) good guy who tries to save everyone
Batman: the tortured, kinda crazy anti-hero who is more about punishing the bad guys even if that means killing them all
Advantage: Superman...I know, the tortured thing is hotter for girls I'm sure but who wants their kid to grow up to be Batman, and what kid doesn't want to grow up to be Superman?

ok...well I think thats about it for the tale of the tape of Batman vs. Superman. Go ahead and make your own choice even though you can kinda guess which way I am leaning. and feel free to leave me a comment so we can get somekind of a consensus here.

is there anyway not to look like a geek after this post? didn't think so... Stay tunes for my blog of Cpt. Kirk vs. Cpt. Picard (just kidding...I hope)


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