Tuesday, November 29, 2005

football ramblings

I don't really blog about NFL football...well because mainly I don't care that much anymore. I mean I watch but my sole interest in the No Fun League is seeing how many points LT's gonna get me by halftime (usually ALOT). And it doesn't help that my lifelong team the 49ers are one of the worst teams in football. Just horrible. But even so I can take solace in the fact that my team has won 5 Super Bowls and they are NOT the Detroit Lions....

What the hell Lions fans? This one is bad even for Lions standards. Sure when a team is not winning the coach (Steve Mariucci) usually takes the fall. But this is bad. He proved that he's a winner in San Fran and turned the team around in just a few years, taking them somewhere the Lions never go...the playoffs. The Lions fired Mooch before the end of the season, saying apparently he is to blame for the Lions failures (usually a redundant phrase). Nevermind the QB who is basically quit on the season and his career, the three first round WRs who are always hurt and never open. Or the team president/general manager who has the IQ of a jockstrap. How does Mooch get fired and the guy who hired him and the idiot head coach (maybe the worst coach in NFL history) before him keeps his job? HOW DOES MATT MILLEN STILL HAVE A JOB?!!!!!!!! I think less and less of the Fords everyday (and not even because of their shitty cars). This is why the Lions are the Lions...and always will be.

more rambling: speaking of jobs...how does Michael Irvin still have his?!!! This annoying fuck who has no volume except loud and stupid gets caught friday night with a goddamn crack pipe in his car and is still on the air on monday. Rush Limbaugh...wow I can't believe I'm going to say this, makes a comment about Donovan McNabb which it turns out looks to be pretty dead on and he gets fired immediately. This jackass is smoking crack in his Bentley flying down the highway and he is spouting off stupid comments two days later. Fuck ESPN, I'm done with it (I don't really mean that, just til mid-March)....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh Adam...Ford makes great cars!!

9:13 PM  

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