Tuesday, April 04, 2006

hmm...mindless survey or hopeless thesis?

[Marital Status] single
[Shoe size] 9 - 9 1/2 (and it means nothing by the way)
[Parents still together] yep, who else would want them? :-)
[Siblings] older brother Justin and younger brother Brandon...they are the same person and yes I have middle child syndrome
[Pets] my dog MacBeth (Mac for short)
[Color] Cubbie blue baby!!
[Number] 12....no reason for it, just like it
[Animal] that crazy little British lizard on the Geico commercials
[Drinks] beer, beer, beer, and oh yeah beer
[Soda] (root) beer
[Book] hmm..not sure I have a favorite: Great Gatsby, 1984, Tale of Two Cities...basically anything that isn't Scarlet Letter or about George Washington right now
[Flower] umm...I'm a guy...but tulips are kinda cool (and no, that's not a dirty reference)
[Color your hair?] nah, though in HS I did use to highlight it (insert gay joke here)
[Twirl your hair?] like..ummm...no
[Have tattoos?] nah, should I?
[Have Piercings?] men shouldn't
[Cheat on tests/homework?] I bought my thesis online a few hours ago...that's about it
[Drink/Smoke?] YES!!!! (wish I was right now..hmm...good idea...*goes downstairs and grabs a beer)/ only the very occasional cigar
[Like roller coasters?] only a couple and I have to work up the courage to even get on the ones I like
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] only all the time...Boston, Chicago, San Francisco or hell even Columbus at this point
[Want more piercings?] nope
[Like cleaning?] that's silly
[Write in cursive or print?] print, cursive was useless and only for junior high girls
[Own a web cam?] no, who the hell wants to watch me sitting at a computer
[Know how to drive?] techincally
[Own a cell phone?] sure though I might as well not
[Ever get off the damn computer?] apparently not...damn myspace...oh and my thesis too
[Been in a fist fight?] not really
[Considered a life of crime?] nah, I'd be in TROUBLE if sent to prison
[Considered being a hooker?] not sure I could get more than $1.50
[Lied to someone?] what time is it?
[Been in love?] of course
[Made out with JUST a friend?] tried a couple times but not really
[Been in lust?] yes
[Used someone] wanted to, who hasn't deep down?
[Been used?] would love to be :-)
[Been cheated on?] I'm not sure, maybe
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] NO!!!!!!!! that's not done!
[Stolen anything?] don't think so
[Held a gun] sure, Chief drags me to the gun range sometimes
[Current clothing]
[Current mood] sleepy and stressed
[Current taste] water I suppose
[What you currently smell like] sex and candy....or is that fear and death
[Current hair] unstyled
[Current thing I ought to be doing] hahahahaha!!!....guess
[Current cd in stereo] The Bach Cello Suites by Yo-Yo Ma
[Last book you read] a sweet coffee table book about Wrigley Field
[Last movie you saw] The Madness of King George...it was weird
[Last thing you ate] an altoid no doubt
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Jenny Kane
[Do drugs?] only aspirin...oh and E
[Believe there is life on other planets?] yes, is there any on this one though?
Remember your first love?] unfortunately
[Still love him/her?] hell no
[Read the newspaper?] only the National League box scores...and Snoopy
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] none that have come out yet :-)
[Believe in miracles?] no, only the one on ice
[Do well in school?] I used to
[Wear hats] sure do
[Hate yourself?] much of the time
[Have an obsession?] thinking its becoming George Washington, but really its baseball
[Collect anything?] books and scalps...am I kidding?
[Have a best friend?] yes
[Close friends?] yes
[Like your handwriting?] no, its completely become crap b/c of grad school
[Care about looks] you're asking a man who can't resist any mirror he comes across?
[First crush] Jacqueline Wolff
[First kiss] rather not remember, she was kinda nuts
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] yes
[Do you believe in "the one?"] I used to, now I don't think so
[Are you a tease?] a tease would have to say no
[Too shy to make the first move?] way too damned often
[Daydreamer] sure but not like a J.D. from Scrubs daydreamer
[Bitch/Asshole] no, kinda the complete opposite
[sarcastic] that's a brilliant question, you tool....so yes
[Angel] sure
[Devil] I don't have that costume
[Shy] sometimes
[Talkative] only if I get in a talkative mood


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