Wednesday, June 15, 2005

forgot one

*****Cubs Rant Alert, Cubs Rant Alert*****

I need to add one more to my list of people who should be lined up and shot....Chicaco White Sox designated Carl Everett. This world class idiot was interviewed by that paragon of journalistic virtue, Maxim magazine. There was a short blurb in the Chicago Tribune (god how I love the glorious Tribune...please forgive me, I must kiss up to the corporate owners of my Cubs).
Everett is quoted as saying such asinine statements such as dinosaurs never existed because they were not mentioned in the Bible (WHAT?!!!! there are friggin skeletons you can look at!! take a trip to the Field Museum fuckface!) and that gay marriage, not to mention just homosexuality itself, is wrong..also because it is not in the "Good" book. He also says that steroids aren't that big a deal (hmm...might he be on some?) because "we'll still lose more kids to a war than we will from steroids." umm...Carl? not alot of little leaguers are being mowed down by Iraqi insurgents.
I can live with all this ridiculous stuff...there are small minded people everywhere, especially on the roster of a big league baseball team.
What I can't live with is his quotes on both baseball fans and baseball heaven itself, Wrigley Field. First he dismisses baseball fans and says that 99% of fans have no idea what they are looking at. excuse me? that's a good way to shore up the fan base....even those drooling mongoloid White Sox fans.
He then adds the icing to his bullshit cake by saying that Wrigley Field is the WORST stadium in the majors and that "They need to implode Wrigley." wow....words cannot do justice to my hatred of my new least favorite athlete. I will not bother to defend Wrigley against his idiotic claims (read my Defense of Wrigley Field on this very blog for that). I just want to say....Carl, before you say anything, people who live in giant, shitty glass stadiums shouldn't throw rocks. So get against the wall please.
and this is reason 1,999,999 for hating the Chicago White Sox.


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