Thursday, January 06, 2005

A Defense of Wrigley Field

Hey all. Ok, enough is enough. Now I realize that Corey is just being silly Corey and trying to get a rise out of me, well it worked. As a loyal (hopeless) Cubs fan I feel I must rise in defense of Beautiful Wrigley Field, as it is so often called people think its part of the name. Wrigley Field is NOT a dump. Wrigley is a classic and beautiful place, full of history and tradition, in a league full of bland new ballparks that all look the same.
First of all, Wrigley is 91 years old. It was built when Woodrow Wilson was president and the world was at war...the first time. That must be kept in mind. For someone used to sparkling new stadiums with all their new brick and fancy wine bars. It is the same way for all the classic ballparks, Yankee Stadium or Fenway Park.
Now, to be completely honest I was a little underwhelmed the first time I saw the outside of the stadium. I was used to shiny new Fifth Third Field. My mind just needed to wrap around the fact that the place has been built 2 years after the Titantic had sunk.
Secondly, without attending an actual Cubs game, no one can understand the magic that the place holds over all fans of baseball. To see the awesome neighborhood surrounding the stadium alive with people walking around, drinking (heavily) all in Cubs blue...unless those evil Cardinals are in town. You stand under the Wrigley marquee, far more distinctive itself than anything found on any of the new stadums that are built to look as historic and classic as Wrigley and Fenway do. Then you go in and walk around all the old concourses, the same concourses people have been walking for generations. After ascending the ramps you get into the open and see the place in all its glory. The greenest grass that anyone has ever seen is where the players are warming up. You see the green of the ivy crawling up those incredible brick walls. You can see all those awesome houses past the outfield walls where people dot the rooftops to see the game. And then you see my favorite part of the whole incredible place....the towering, beautiful hand-operated scoreboard with the flags flying in the swirling Chicago wind. Such an amazing experience. The place, the game, the 7th inning stretch. And I'm not even defending the bleachers its drunken hoardes....not something I feel like defending, but fine I guess for drunk slobs. And lots of quotes seem to suggest people love the bleachers.
Thirdly, the place in the dead of a Chicago winter is not going to have any of the magic that it would have on a sunny, gorgeous afternoon in August. They are renovating the stadium as we speak which didn't help (yes yes, because it caved in a couple of times..big deal).
Ok, this is becoming obsessive and silly (I was going to use quotes and research to back it all up but I suppose that energy should go for my thesis), but I felt the need to stick up for maybe my favorite spot on earth. Some people might not get it. But I would much rather have an historic, classic, beautifiul ballpark than a new playhouse stadium with merry-go-rounds and steamboat smokestacks. I like new stadiums for all their comfort and new beauty, but nothing compares to that baseball mecca on the corner of Waveland and Addison. Ok, I had more arguments in my mind but this is bordering on...well...something. :-) But please feel free to comment and back me up if you like the history, tradition and beauty of Wrigley Field. later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, first off without seeing the stadium I agree with you. You can't knock Wrigley Field... It's a classic from back when baseball was what it's supposed to be. BUT...
You compared it to fifth third field, It's a Triple A ballpark. A Tiger Farm team plays there!! from someone who's defending "one of the greatest ballparks in all of baseball", you sure picked a pretty lowly comparison.

also, I enjoyed the offer for research and quotes. the guy who can't do the research for his thesis project (something that would impact the rest of his life) he debated doing it for a Blog. Damn, I have to respect that.

The guy who slept through College,

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, if you channel some of this energy into your thesis, you'll have the thing done in no-time(nice format and flow by the way). I have admiration for anyone who defends his or her passions... especially when it invvolves anyplace related to the Windy City. That field is history and it holds a lot of memories for a lot of different generations.

1:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CHI-CAGO, CHI-CAGO, that toddlin' town
CHIC-AGO, CHI-CAGO, I'll show you around (You'll stay around)
Bet your bottom dollar you lose the blues in
CHI-CAGO, CHI-CAGO, the folks who visit
All wanna settle down.

on....yeah yeah.
who wants to stay at the W??

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK I think its time that I defend the Defense of Wrigley Field. Even though I hate the Cubs...I'm a Cardinals fan I have to its in the contract...Wrigley is by far the most beautiful ballpark I have ever been to. Sure, like Adam said its not as comfortable and acessible as the new parks in the country...its old! Its not supposed to be. That is why it is so great. Wrigley is is full of the history of the game. And unless you have been to a game at Wrigley I guess you just won't understand...Corey!! :) And just a disclamer...Cubs suck, Go Cards!!!!!

11:14 PM  

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